1 /** 2 Copyright: © 2013 rejectedsoftware e.K. 3 License: Subject to the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file. 4 Authors: Sönke Ludwig 5 */ 6 module app; 7 8 import dubregistry.dbcontroller; 9 import dubregistry.mirror; 10 import dubregistry.repositories.bitbucket; 11 import dubregistry.repositories.github; 12 import dubregistry.repositories.gitlab; 13 import dubregistry.registry; 14 import dubregistry.web; 15 import dubregistry.api; 16 17 import std.algorithm : sort; 18 import std.file; 19 import std.path; 20 import userman.web; 21 import vibe.d; 22 23 24 Task s_checkTask; 25 DubRegistry s_registry; 26 DubRegistryWebFrontend s_web; 27 string s_mirror; 28 29 void startMonitoring() 30 { 31 void monitorPackages() 32 { 33 sleep(10.seconds()); // give the cache a chance to warm up first 34 while(true){ 35 if (s_mirror.length) s_registry.mirrorRegistry(URL(s_mirror)); 36 else s_registry.updatePackages(); 37 sleep(30.minutes()); 38 } 39 } 40 s_checkTask = runTask(&monitorPackages); 41 } 42 43 version (linux) private immutable string certPath; 44 45 shared static this() 46 { 47 setLogFile("log.txt", LogLevel.diagnostic); 48 49 string hostname = "code.dlang.org"; 50 51 readOption("mirror", &s_mirror, "URL of a package registry that this instance should mirror (WARNING: will overwrite local database!)"); 52 readOption("hostname", &hostname, "Domain name of this instance (default: code.dlang.org)"); 53 54 // validate provided mirror URL 55 if (s_mirror.length) 56 validateMirrorURL(s_mirror); 57 58 version (linux) { 59 logInfo("Enforcing certificate trust."); 60 enum debianCA = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"; 61 enum redhatCA = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; 62 certPath = redhatCA.exists ? redhatCA : debianCA; 63 64 HTTPClient.setTLSSetupCallback((ctx) { 65 ctx.useTrustedCertificateFile(certPath); 66 ctx.peerValidationMode = TLSPeerValidationMode.trustedCert; 67 }); 68 } 69 70 import dub.internal.utils : jsonFromFile; 71 auto regsettingsjson = jsonFromFile(Path("settings.json"), true); 72 auto ghuser = regsettingsjson["github-user"].opt!string; 73 auto ghpassword = regsettingsjson["github-password"].opt!string; 74 auto glurl = regsettingsjson["gitlab-url"].opt!string; 75 auto glauth = regsettingsjson["gitlab-auth"].opt!string; 76 77 GithubRepository.register(ghuser, ghpassword); 78 BitbucketRepository.register(); 79 if (glurl.length) GitLabRepository.register(glauth, glurl); 80 81 auto router = new URLRouter; 82 if (s_mirror.length) router.any("*", (req, res) { req.params["mirror"] = s_mirror; }); 83 router.get("*", (req, res) @trusted { if (!s_checkTask.running) startMonitoring(); }); 84 85 // VPM registry 86 auto regsettings = new DubRegistrySettings; 87 s_registry = new DubRegistry(regsettings); 88 89 UserManController userdb; 90 91 if (!s_mirror.length) { 92 // user management 93 auto udbsettings = new UserManSettings; 94 udbsettings.serviceName = "DUB - The D package registry"; 95 udbsettings.serviceUrl = URL("http://code.dlang.org/"); 96 udbsettings.serviceEmail = "noreply@vibed.org"; 97 udbsettings.databaseURL = "mongodb://"; 98 udbsettings.requireAccountValidation = false; 99 userdb = createUserManController(udbsettings); 100 } 101 102 // web front end 103 s_web = router.registerDubRegistryWebFrontend(s_registry, userdb); 104 router.registerDubRegistryAPI(s_registry); 105 106 // start the web server 107 auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings; 108 settings.hostName = hostname; 109 settings.bindAddresses = [""]; 110 settings.port = 8005; 111 settings.sessionStore = new MemorySessionStore; 112 readOption("bind", &settings.bindAddresses[0], "Sets the address used for serving."); 113 readOption("port|p", &settings.port, "Sets the port used for serving."); 114 115 listenHTTP(settings, router); 116 117 // poll github for new project versions 118 startMonitoring(); 119 }